Why Mount Anville?
As your child embarks on an exciting learning adventure,
we’re here to guide them on this journey.
The goals of the Sacred Heart are kept alive within the Mount Anville community through positivity, team spirit and generosity, giving your child the best foundations for a bright future.
Why choose Mount Anville Montessori Junior School?
Our school was founded by the society of the Sacred Heart and its origin dates from 1865. Mount Anville Montessori Junior School is a vibrant school with over 450 students attending, from the age of 2 ½ to 12 years of age. The Sacred Heart goals of faith, social awareness, community, intellect and character permeate every aspect of the child's journey of life.
At Mount Anville, our students will experience a loving, thriving, welcoming community where they will be cherished and nurtured, supporting each child's individuality every day.
Our aim is to develop our students' academically, spiritually, morally, physically and socially. As they progress through our school, we will deliver a stimulating, exciting curriculum, inspired by the Maria Montessori philosophy up to 2nd class whilst, the milestones of the National Curriculum as laid down by the Department of Education and Skills, are achieved, consolidated, and extended.
Boys can attend Mount Anville Montessori school for both Montessori Junior and Senior level (aged 3-4).
Morning Care
Our doors open for morning care from 8AM ...
When formalised classes finish at 12.15PM for the students in the Montessori Department, there is an option for students to partake in a fun and stimulating program which is facilitated in our Montessori building up to 5.00PM.
Kindness Code
Be positive strong leaders, your actions and opinions make an impact
Treat everyone the way you would like to be treated
Accept people as they are
Show kindness and respect for everybody
Stand up for what is right
Be an active listener, be interested
Feel free to express your culture, faith, and
Enjoy learning about others
Take the initiative and make the first move to
Welcome and include everyone
Be sensitive and positive
Always try hard, do your best