Meet our Teachers

Meet our Teachers


Our Talented Teachers

Our teachers are a talented bunch! We are dedicated to seeing the uniqueness in every child. We have shared values, a positive outlook and a passion for educating young minds.


Elizabeth Kavanagh
Elizabeth Kavanagh

Elizabeth has led MAMJS since 2012.

Gillian Beatty
Gillian Beatty
Deputy Principal

Gillian has been with MAMJS since 2009 and has taught across 1st to 6th class.

Montessori Teachers

Aoife Sherrif
Aoife Sherrif
Montessori Teacher

Aoife is a valued member of our Montessori Department and has a special interest in hockey.

Helen Reddy
Helen Reddy
Montessori Teacher

Helen has been a valued member of the Montessori team for the past ten years.

Caroline Whyte
Caroline Whyte
Montessori Teacher

Caroline has been a valued member of the Montessori team for the past ten years.

Audrey Moriarty
Audrey Moriarty
Montessori Teacher

Audrey has over 20 years experience as a Montessori Teacher

Montessori Assistants

Deirdre Galligan
Deirdre Galligan
Classroom Assistant

Deirdre has been a member of the Montessori team for four years.

Annette Brindley
Annette Brindley
Aftercare Supervisor

Annette has been a member of the Montessori team for the past eight years.

Sylwia Firyn
Sylwia Firyn
Classroom Assistant

Sylwia has been a member of the Montessori team for the past ten years.

Emma Dempsey
Emma Dempsey
Classroom Assistant

Emma has joined Ms Aoife's class as Classroom Assistant.

Fiona Leonard
Fiona Leonard
Classroom Assistant

Fiona recently joined our MAMJS community.

Catherine Larkin
Catherine Larkin
Classroom Assistant

Catherine has worked as part of the Montessori team for the past four years.

Support Teachers

Eleanor Cruite
Eleanor Cruite
Support Teacher

Eleanor has been a member of the MAMJS community for over 20 years.

Frances Healy
Frances Healy
Support Teacher

Frances has been a member of the MAMJS community for over 20 years.

Specialised Teachers

Sarah Kerr
Sarah Kerr
Music teacher

Sarah directs our music department while leading the Mount Anville orchestra and choirs.

Fiana Holland
Fiana Holland
Drama Teacher

Fiana directs our drama department and produces our dramatic performances throughout the year.

Administration Staff

Karina Hampson
Karina Hampson
Admissions Officer
01 288 5313

Karina looks after all enquiries and admissions to our school.

Julie Clifton
Julie Clifton
Welcome Officer
01 2885313

Julie is the link between students, parents and teachers, offering daily support for all.